2009 results 
48.3 #1038
68.4 #634
76.9 #464
95 tf
tf 0%
205  80 Gold Flower
267  95 Diamond Grave
301  50 Yuan Epitaph
330  50 Silver Coin
687  50 Grey Background
No Pairings  1086
85.8 #286
37.3 #1259
48.2 #1041
80 tf
tf 0%
135  80 PayPal Epitaph
295  80 Silver Flower
488  50 White Coin
514  50 White Grave
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
500.3 changed 2yrs ago
11.3 #1782
46.6 #1073
15.8 #1692
80 tf
tf +525.4%
295  80 Silver Flower
324  50 Pound Epitaph
488  50 White Coin
514  50 White Grave
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
1.1M changed 2yrs ago
92.1 #158
21.4 #1579
56.3 #877
111 tf
tf +1000900.9%
124  111 Dollar Epitaph
317  50 Silver Grave
363  50 Black Flower
488  50 White Coin
779  50 White Background
No Pairings  1086
300 changed 2yrs ago
54.2 #920
45.5 #1095
34.0 #1326
89 tf
tf +237.1%
203  50 VISA Epitaph
277  89 Diamond Flower
488  50 White Coin
514  50 White Grave
687  50 Grey Background
846  50 Double Pairings
4.3K changed 11mos ago
90.5 #191
68.2 #638
64.0 #724
111 tf
tf +3728.8%
124  111 Dollar Epitaph
363  50 Black Flower
488  50 White Coin
514  50 White Grave
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
339 changed 2yrs ago
18.6 #1635
15.2 #1703
17.3 #1662
120 tf
tf +182.5%
290  52 Euro Epitaph
295  80 Silver Flower
328  120 Black Coin
514  50 White Grave
687  50 Grey Background
No Pairings  1086
10K changed 4mos ago
48.6 #1033
70.2 #598
78.3 #435
120 tf
tf +8233.3%
205  80 Gold Flower
267  95 Diamond Grave
290  52 Euro Epitaph
328  120 Black Coin
687  50 Grey Background
No Pairings  1086
230 changed 1yr ago
39.4 #1218
85.9 #284
71.6 #571
95 tf
tf +142.1%
257  85 Diamond Coin
270  95 Yen Epitaph
277  89 Diamond Flower
514  50 White Grave
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
150K changed 6mos ago
99.4 #13
99.1 #19
99.2 #17
150 tf
tf +99900%
77  150 Triple Pairings
197  80 American Express Epitaph
324  80 Black Grave
328  120 Black Coin
363  50 Black Flower
687  50 Grey Background
10.0 #1809
1.9 #1970
3.9 #1931
50 tf
tf 0%
301  50 Yuan Epitaph
317  50 Silver Grave
405  50 Green Coin
483  50 White Flower
779  50 White Background
No Pairings  1086
228 changed 4mos ago
71.5 #573
78.8 #425
80.5 #391
95 tf
tf +140%
197  80 American Express Epitaph
267  95 Diamond Grave
295  80 Silver Flower
405  50 Green Coin
543  50 Black Background
No Pairings  1086
85 changed 5mos ago
2.9 #1950
7.0 #1869
7.5 #1859
120 tf2
324  Pound Epitaph
328  Black Coin
371  Green Grave
483  White Flower
687  Grey Background
No Pairings  1086
275 changed 1yr ago
58.1 #842
74.1 #521
84.7 #307
85 tf
tf +223.5%
203  50 VISA Epitaph
216  80 Gold Grave
257  85 Diamond Coin
386  65 Green Flower
687  50 Grey Background
No Pairings  1086
200 changed 2yrs ago
31.1 #1384
73.4 #534
60.9 #785
95 tf
tf +110.5%
267  95 Diamond Grave
295  80 Silver Flower
324  50 Pound Epitaph
330  50 Silver Coin
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
250 changed 2yrs ago
72.5 #553
69.4 #615
69.3 #616
89 tf
tf +180.9%
197  80 American Express Epitaph
257  85 Diamond Coin
277  89 Diamond Flower
514  50 White Grave
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
450 changed 2yrs ago
37.8 #1250
52.6 #953
42.0 #1165
89 tf
tf +405.6%
257  85 Diamond Coin
277  89 Diamond Flower
301  50 Yuan Epitaph
514  50 White Grave
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
330 changed 2yrs ago
22.3 #1561
14.4 #1719
3.9 #1930
95 tf
tf +247.4%
270  95 Yen Epitaph
405  50 Green Coin
483  50 White Flower
514  50 White Grave
687  50 Grey Background
846  50 Double Pairings
85.0 #302
68.9 #625
72.0 #563
80 tf
tf 0%
135  80 PayPal Epitaph
324  80 Black Grave
386  65 Green Flower
405  50 Green Coin
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
1K changed 2yrs ago
16.2 #1683
80.9 #383
50.8 #988
80 tf
tf +1150%
290  52 Euro Epitaph
324  80 Black Grave
363  50 Black Flower
405  50 Green Coin
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
500 changed 2yrs ago
54.3 #918
69.3 #617
49.3 #1019
89 tf
tf +461.8%
203  50 VISA Epitaph
277  89 Diamond Flower
488  50 White Coin
514  50 White Grave
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
300 changed 2yrs ago
72.9 #544
20.0 #1608
43.7 #1132
80 tf
tf +275%
197  80 American Express Epitaph
216  80 Gold Grave
405  50 Green Coin
483  50 White Flower
779  50 White Background
No Pairings  1086
69 changed 2yrs ago
27.6 #1454
8.0 #1849
14.3 #1722
95 tf2
270  Yen Epitaph
277  Diamond Flower
371  Green Grave
488  White Coin
779  White Background
No Pairings  1086
169 changed 2yrs ago
49.7 #1010
92.2 #157
89.9 #202
80 tf
tf +111.3%
205  80 Gold Flower
216  80 Gold Grave
301  50 Yuan Epitaph
330  50 Silver Coin
687  50 Grey Background
846  50 Double Pairings
77 changed 5mos ago
76.2 #479
21.7 #1574
21.4 #1580
50.9 tf
tf +51.3%
165  50.9 Mastercard Epitaph
363  50 Black Flower
488  50 White Coin
514  50 White Grave
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
180 changed 1yr ago
19.3 #1621
81.6 #369
64.2 #719
120 tf
tf +50%
290  52 Euro Epitaph
295  80 Silver Flower
317  50 Silver Grave
328  120 Black Coin
687  50 Grey Background
846  50 Double Pairings
34.4 #1317
54.4 #916
36.5 #1275
85 tf
tf 0%
257  85 Diamond Coin
324  50 Pound Epitaph
371  50 Green Grave
386  65 Green Flower
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
30.4 #1398
14.9 #1709
20.8 #1591
95 tf
tf 0%
267  95 Diamond Grave
301  50 Yuan Epitaph
363  50 Black Flower
405  50 Green Coin
779  50 White Background
No Pairings  1086
272 changed 2yrs ago
3.7 #1935
4.6 #1916
4.8 #1913
80 tf
tf +240%
324  50 Pound Epitaph
324  80 Black Grave
405  50 Green Coin
483  50 White Flower
687  50 Grey Background
No Pairings  1086
500 changed 6mos ago
17.8 #1652
27.5 #1457
11.5 #1777
80 tf
tf +525%
290  52 Euro Epitaph
295  80 Silver Flower
488  50 White Coin
514  50 White Grave
687  50 Grey Background
846  50 Double Pairings
215 changed 2yrs ago
82.9 #343
31.5 #1376
64.0 #723
80 tf
tf +168.8%
165  50.9 Mastercard Epitaph
205  80 Gold Flower
371  50 Green Grave
488  50 White Coin
779  50 White Background
No Pairings  1086
235 changed 1yr ago
23.9 #1529
29.5 #1416
21.8 #1571
95 tf
tf +147.4%
270  95 Yen Epitaph
330  50 Silver Coin
363  50 Black Flower
514  50 White Grave
543  50 Black Background
No Pairings  1086
444 changed 2yrs ago
26.7 #1473
66.9 #665
49.9 #1006
95 tf
tf +367.4%
270  95 Yen Epitaph
295  80 Silver Flower
330  50 Silver Coin
371  50 Green Grave
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
435 changed 1yr ago
37.6 #1254
93.0 #140
83.0 #341
89 tf
tf +388.8%
257  85 Diamond Coin
277  89 Diamond Flower
324  50 Pound Epitaph
324  80 Black Grave
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
110 changed 4mos ago
94.4 #113
54.7 #910
81.7 #368
111 tf2
124  Dollar Epitaph
257  Diamond Coin
295  Silver Flower
514  White Grave
687  Grey Background
No Pairings  1086
0.8 #1993
15.6 #1695
2.9 #1951
50 tf
tf 0%
324  50 Pound Epitaph
371  50 Green Grave
483  50 White Flower
488  50 White Coin
687  50 Grey Background
846  50 Double Pairings
233 changed 2yrs ago
56.0 #883
72.5 #552
55.0 #904
85 tf
tf +174.1%
203  50 VISA Epitaph
257  85 Diamond Coin
483  50 White Flower
514  50 White Grave
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
300 changed 2yrs ago
87.8 #245
62.0 #764
65.7 #690
85 tf
tf +252.9%
135  80 PayPal Epitaph
257  85 Diamond Coin
483  50 White Flower
514  50 White Grave
687  50 Grey Background
846  50 Double Pairings
675 changed 1yr ago
92.5 #150
84.5 #311
85.5 #292
111 tf
tf +508.1%
124  111 Dollar Epitaph
295  80 Silver Flower
371  50 Green Grave
405  50 Green Coin
687  50 Grey Background
846  50 Double Pairings
140 changed 4mos ago
97.3 #54
90.2 #197
92.9 #143
150 tf2
77  Triple Pairings
290  Euro Epitaph
483  White Flower
488  White Coin
514  White Grave
779  White Background
255 changed 1yr ago
88.1 #240
55.2 #901
82.0 #362
85 tf
tf +200%
135  80 PayPal Epitaph
257  85 Diamond Coin
317  50 Silver Grave
386  65 Green Flower
779  50 White Background
No Pairings  1086
129.5 changed 8mos ago
27.9 #1449
9.2 #1825
17.6 #1655
95 tf
tf +36.3%
270  95 Yen Epitaph
277  89 Diamond Flower
330  50 Silver Coin
514  50 White Grave
779  50 White Background
No Pairings  1086
6.6 #1877
57.3 #858
20.6 #1596
50 tf
tf 0%
301  50 Yuan Epitaph
371  50 Green Grave
405  50 Green Coin
483  50 White Flower
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
777 changed 4mos ago
45.3 #1099
77.3 #457
70.5 #593
120 tf
tf +547.5%
205  80 Gold Flower
324  50 Pound Epitaph
324  80 Black Grave
328  120 Black Coin
779  50 White Background
846  50 Double Pairings
85 changed 1yr ago
32.4 #1358
53.3 #938
48.3 #1038
95 tf2
267  Diamond Grave
290  Euro Epitaph
295  Silver Flower
488  White Coin
543  Black Background
No Pairings  1086
77.3 #456
90.7 #187
84.0 #322
120 tf
tf 0%
165  50.9 Mastercard Epitaph
328  120 Black Coin
363  50 Black Flower
371  50 Green Grave
543  50 Black Background
846  50 Double Pairings
75 changed 4mos ago
33.3 #1341
57.8 #847
45.1 #1102
95 tf2
267  Diamond Grave
277  Diamond Flower
290  Euro Epitaph
488  White Coin
779  White Background
846  Double Pairings
399 changed 5mos ago
98.0 #40
99.3 #14
99.0 #20
150 tf
tf +166%
77  150 Triple Pairings
270  95 Yen Epitaph
324  80 Black Grave
328  120 Black Coin
363  50 Black Flower
543  50 Black Background


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