24 results 
4 changed 2mos ago
5 tf2
Type:  Shot #4
5 changed 1yr ago
4 tf
tf +25%
Type:  Shot #4
5 changed 2mos ago
17.2 tf2
Type:  Shot #6
5 changed 2mos ago
6.5 tf2
Type:  Shot #5
6.5 changed 1yr ago
5 tf
tf +30%
Type:  Shot #5
7 changed 1yr ago
8.5 tf2
Type:  Shot #3
7 changed 1yr ago
5 tf
tf +40%
Type:  Shot #5
8 changed 3mos ago
10 tf2
Type:  Shot #1
8.5 changed 11mos ago
7 tf
tf +21.4%
Type:  Shot #3
9.5 changed 1yr ago
25 tf2
Type:  Shot #7
10 changed 5mos ago
8 tf
tf +25%
Type:  Shot #1
15 changed 1yr ago
4 tf
tf +275%
Type:  Shot #4
15 changed 2yrs ago
5 tf
tf +200%
Type:  Shot #5
16 changed 1yr ago
8 tf
tf +100%
Type:  Shot #1
16 changed 11mos ago
5 tf
tf +220%
Type:  Shot #5
17.2 changed 2yrs ago
5 tf
tf +244%
Type:  Shot #6
20 changed 2yrs ago
7 tf
tf +185.7%
Type:  Shot #3
20 changed 2yrs ago
8 tf
tf +150%
Type:  Shot #1
20 changed 5mos ago
Last of type!
Type:  Shot #2
25 changed 2yrs ago
9.5 tf
tf +163.2%
Type:  Shot #7
29 changed 2yrs ago
30 tf2
Type:  Shot #8
30 changed 2yrs ago
29 tf
tf +3.4%
Type:  Shot #8
1K changed 2yrs ago
5 tf
tf +19900%
Type:  Shot #6
4K changed 2yrs ago
9.5 tf
tf +42005.3%
Type:  Shot #7


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