1500 results 
10 changed 4h ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14.5 tf2
200  () 4 Desert Type
500  () 4 Small Size
Regular Shape  750
22 changed 1d ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
19 tf
tf +15.8%
200  19 Goblin Forest Type
500  14 Medium Size
Irregular Shape  750
17 changed 1d ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf
tf 0%
200  14 Grassy Hills Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750
15 changed 2d ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
10 tf
tf +50%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Regular Shape  750
10 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
10 tf
tf 0%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Regular Shape  750
10 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf2
200  Desert Type
500  Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
17 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf
tf +0%
200  14.5 Snowy Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750
17 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
32 tf2
200  15 Mountainous Type
500  Large Size
Irregular Shape  750
10 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf2
200  Mountainous Type
500  Small Size
Regular Shape  750
14 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf
tf 0%
200  10 Desert Type
500  14 Medium Size
Regular Shape  750
14 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
18 tf2
200  Desert Type
500  4 Medium Size
Irregular Shape  750
14 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
15 tf2
200  1 Grassy Hills Type
500  Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
12 changed 1w ago
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
25 tf2
115  Mushroom Type
500  Large Size
Regular Shape  750
14.5 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf2
200  2.5 Snowy Type
500  Small Size
Regular Shape  750
19 changed 1w ago
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
25 tf2
115  Mushroom Type
500  Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
12 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf2
200  Grassy Hills Type
500  Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
11 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf2
200  Grassy Hills Type
500  Medium Size
Irregular Shape  750
10 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf2
200  Snowy Type
500  Large Size
Irregular Shape  750
14 changed 1w ago
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
22 tf2
115  Badlands Type
500  Small Size
Regular Shape  750
14.9 changed 1w ago
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
29 tf2
78  Candy Type
500  Large Size
Regular Shape  750
14.9 changed 1w ago
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
29 tf2
78  Candy Type
500  Large Size
Regular Shape  750
25 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
10 tf
tf +150%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Regular Shape  750
33 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
10 tf
tf +230%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Regular Shape  750
29 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf
tf +107.1%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
29 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf
tf +107.1%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
29 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf
tf +107.1%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
33 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf
tf +135.7%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
55 changed 1w ago
99.9 #1
99.9 #1
99.9 #1
30 tf
tf +83.3%
77  30 Aether Type
500  10 Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
25 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14 tf
tf +78.6%
200  10 Desert Type
500  10 Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
40 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14.5 tf
tf +175.9%
200  14.5 Snowy Type
500  14 Medium Size
Irregular Shape  750
25 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf
tf +47.1%
200  10 Desert Type
500  17 Large Size
Irregular Shape  750
300 changed 1w ago
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
29 tf
tf +934.5%
78  29 Candy Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750
250 changed 1w ago
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
29 tf
tf +762.1%
78  29 Candy Type
500  17 Large Size
Irregular Shape  750
65 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf
tf +282.4%
200  14 Grassy Hills Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750
55 changed 1w ago
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
29 tf
tf +89.7%
78  29 Candy Type
500  10 Small Size
Irregular Shape  750
30 changed 1w ago
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
27 tf
tf +11.1%
115  27 Crystal Mountain Type
500  14 Medium Size
Irregular Shape  750
65 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf
tf +282.4%
200  17 Mountainous Type
500  17 Large Size
Irregular Shape  750
55 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf
tf +223.5%
200  17 Mountainous Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750
40 changed 1w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf
tf +135.3%
200  17 Mountainous Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750
14 changed 2w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
14.5 tf2
200  Snowy Type
500  Medium Size
Irregular Shape  750
52 changed 2w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
19 tf
tf +173.7%
200  19 Goblin Forest Type
500  14 Medium Size
Irregular Shape  750
27 changed 2w ago
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
27 tf
tf +0%
115  27 Crystal Mountain Type
500  10 Small Size
Regular Shape  750
9.9 changed 2w ago
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
66.6 #501
17 tf2
200  Mountainous Type
500  Medium Size
Irregular Shape  750
23 changed 3w ago
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
27 tf2
115  Crystal Mountain Type
500  Medium Size
Regular Shape  750
44 changed 3w ago
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
25 tf
tf +76%
115  25 Mushroom Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750
100 changed 3w ago
99.9 #1
99.9 #1
99.9 #1
30 tf
tf +233.3%
77  30 Aether Type
500  17 Large Size
Irregular Shape  750
100 changed 3w ago
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
94.8 #78
29 tf
tf +244.8%
78  29 Candy Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750
44 changed 3w ago
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
89.6 #156
25 tf
tf +76%
115  25 Mushroom Type
500  17 Large Size
Regular Shape  750


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