117 results 
0.6 changed 1mo ago
27.1 #306
38.3 #259
33.6 #279
2 tf2
49  one eyed death Head
55  prosthetic crossbow Accessory
58  1.4 cyber-finisher suit Body
59  steel claws Weapon
74  background: sewers Background
0.6 changed 1mo ago
36.9 #265
78.8 #89
75.5 #103
3.9 tf2
49  () 1.4 katana Accessory
49  one eyed death Head
59  steel claws Weapon
61  3.25 dark master's clothes Body
62  background: purge Background
0.6 changed 1mo ago
84.8 #64
77.6 #94
76.7 #98
2.5 tf2
46  () 1.4 young shinobi Head
61  drafon soul kunai Accessory
62  background: sorrow Background
65  1.9 curse ridden katana Weapon
0.6 changed 1mo ago
75.7 #102
80.2 #83
75.2 #104
1.5 tf2
54  0.9 pet snake Accessory
59  0.9 hidden face Head
59  sai blade Weapon
62  background: sorrow Background
0.6 changed 1mo ago
47.9 #219
38.3 #259
32.4 #284
2 tf2
47  golden kunai Accessory
59  old shinobi Head
62  background: purge Background
70  1.4 japanese knuckle Weapon
0.6 changed 1mo ago
69.8 #127
71.4 #120
74.8 #106
2.3 tf2
47  golden kunai Accessory
56  1.65 REEEEE Head
59  sai blade Weapon
74  background: sewers Background
0.6 changed 1mo ago
31.7 #287
81.9 #76
76.9 #97
2 tf2
49  () 0.4 white master's hat Head
52  1.4 gol shuriken Accessory
59  sai blade Weapon
62  background: purge Background
0.6 changed 1mo ago
48.8 #215
19.0 #340
20.2 #335
1 tf2
47  golden kunai Accessory
58  0.4 kusarigama Weapon
59  old shinobi Head
82  0.4 background: madness Background
0.6 changed 1mo ago
64.5 #149
69.8 #127
71.7 #119
0.6 tf
tf +0%
47  0.6 injured warrior Body
49  0.6 one eyed death Head
55  0.6 prosthetic crossbow Accessory
59  0.6 steel claws Weapon
74  0.6 background: sewers Background
0.6 changed 1mo ago
81.2 #79
80.2 #83
77.9 #93
1 tf2
49  one eyed death Head
61  drafon soul kunai Accessory
62  background: purge Background
62  0.4 cyber-katana Weapon
1 changed 3mos ago
27.9 #303
65.5 #145
58.6 #174
2 tf2
55  prosthetic crossbow Accessory
58  kusarigama Weapon
67  1 background: revenge Background
1 changed 3mos ago
70.2 #125
62.4 #158
72.6 #115
0.6 tf
tf +66.7%
47  0.6 golden kunai Accessory
47  0.6 injured warrior Body
49  0.6 one eyed death Head
62  0.6 cyber-katana Weapon
82  0.6 background: madness Background
1.5 changed 5mos ago
11.4 #372
13.3 #364
12.9 #366
2 tf2
52  0.5 old red warrior's clothes Body
54  pet snake Accessory
59  hidden face Head
59  steel claws Weapon
82  background: madness Background
1.9 changed 6mos ago
15.7 #354
12.9 #366
10.5 #376
2 tf2
51  0.1 old blue warrior's clothes Body
59  hidden face Head
60  0.1 burning shurikens Accessory
62  cyber-katana Weapon
74  background: sewers Background
2 changed 6mos ago
8.6 #384
5.0 #399
4.5 #401
0.6 tf
tf +233.2%
52  0.6 gol shuriken Accessory
57  0.6 ninja clutist's clothes Body
59  0.6 hidden face Head
70  0.6 japanese knuckle Weapon
74  0.6 background: sewers Background
2 changed 1yr ago
72.1 #117
15.0 #357
16.4 #351
1.9 tf
tf +5.3%
46  0.6 young shinobi Head
58  0.6 cyber-finisher suit Body
59  0.6 steel claws Weapon
60  1.9 burning shurikens Accessory
82  0.6 background: madness Background
2 changed 1yr ago
15.2 #356
11.7 #371
8.8 #383
1.9 tf
tf +5.3%
51  1.9 old blue warrior's clothes Body
59  0.6 old shinobi Head
61  0.6 drafon soul kunai Accessory
62  0.6 cyber-katana Weapon
74  0.6 background: sewers Background
2 changed 3mos ago
19.3 #339
22.6 #325
19.0 #340
3 tf2
50  1 dark master's hat Head
59  steel claws Weapon
61  drafon soul kunai Accessory
74  background: sewers Background
2 changed 1yr ago
26.2 #310
15.7 #354
13.3 #364
1 tf
tf +100%
49  0.6 one eyed death Head
57  0.6 ninja clutist's clothes Body
61  0.6 drafon soul kunai Accessory
67  1 background: revenge Background
70  0.6 japanese knuckle Weapon
2 changed 1yr ago
40.2 #251
20.2 #335
22.1 #327
3 tf2
48  1 white master's clothes Body
55  prosthetic crossbow Accessory
58  kusarigama Weapon
59  hidden face Head
82  background: madness Background
2 changed 6mos ago
14.8 #358
52.4 #200
46.7 #224
5 tf2
52  3 cyber-mask Head
54  pet snake Accessory
62  background: sorrow Background
70  japanese knuckle Weapon
2 changed 6mos ago
81.9 #76
36.4 #267
43.8 #236
0.6 tf
tf +233.3%
46  0.6 grand leader's cloak Body
49  0.6 katana Accessory
59  0.6 old shinobi Head
59  0.6 sai blade Weapon
82  0.6 background: madness Background
2.3 changed 1yr ago
2.1 #411
23.8 #320
17.1 #348
1.9 tf
tf +18.4%
56  0.6 REEEEE Head
58  0.6 cyber-finisher suit Body
59  0.6 sai blade Weapon
60  1.9 burning shurikens Accessory
67  1 background: revenge Background
2.5 changed 4mos ago
34.8 #274
56.2 #184
53.6 #195
7 tf2
54  pet snake Accessory
62  cyber-katana Weapon
73  4.5 background: memories Background
2.5 changed 1w ago
98.3 #7
82.6 #73
86.4 #57
2.8 tf2
42  0.29 bo stick Accessory
46  young shinobi Head
67  background: revenge Background
2.8 changed 1yr ago
96.7 #14
36.4 #267
50.5 #208
2.5 tf
tf +11.6%
42  2.5 bo stick Accessory
47  0.6 injured warrior Body
59  0.6 old shinobi Head
65  0.6 curse ridden katana Weapon
82  0.6 background: madness Background
3 changed 1yr ago
30.5 #292
73.3 #112
67.1 #138
1.5 tf
tf +98.7%
49  0.6 white master's hat Head
52  1.5 old red warrior's clothes Body
59  0.6 sai blade Weapon
61  0.6 drafon soul kunai Accessory
62  0.6 background: sorrow Background
3 changed 6mos ago
58.6 #174
56.2 #184
55.0 #189
1.9 tf
tf +57.4%
47  0.6 golden kunai Accessory
51  1.9 old blue warrior's clothes Body
58  0.6 kusarigama Weapon
59  0.6 old shinobi Head
74  0.6 background: sewers Background
3 changed 6mos ago
74.0 #109
73.3 #112
68.8 #131
1.9 tf
tf +57.9%
46  0.6 grand leader's cloak Body
56  0.6 REEEEE Head
59  0.6 steel claws Weapon
60  1.9 burning shurikens Accessory
62  0.6 background: sorrow Background
3 changed 2yrs ago
41.9 #244
45.7 #228
44.8 #232
2 tf
tf +50%
48  2 white master's clothes Body
52  0.6 gol shuriken Accessory
56  0.6 REEEEE Head
62  0.6 cyber-katana Weapon
74  0.6 background: sewers Background
3 changed 1yr ago
35.7 #270
71.4 #120
71.0 #122
2 tf
tf +50%
49  0.6 katana Accessory
50  2 dark master's hat Head
52  1.5 old red warrior's clothes Body
65  0.6 curse ridden katana Weapon
67  1 background: revenge Background
3 changed 1yr ago
51.7 #203
22.6 #325
24.8 #316
0.6 tf
tf +400%
47  0.6 injured warrior Body
55  0.6 prosthetic crossbow Accessory
58  0.6 kusarigama Weapon
59  0.6 old shinobi Head
82  0.6 background: madness Background
3.2 changed 1w ago
70.5 #124
97.1 #12
96.7 #14
0.6 tf
tf +433.3%
47  0.6 golden kunai Accessory
47  0.6 injured warrior Body
49  0.6 white master's hat Head
62  0.6 background: sorrow Background
62  0.6 cyber-katana Weapon
3.5 changed 1w ago
99.0 #4
92.4 #32
94.8 #22
2.5 tf
tf +40%
42  2.5 bo stick Accessory
46  0.6 young shinobi Head
52  1.5 old red warrior's clothes Body
59  0.6 sai blade Weapon
74  0.6 background: sewers Background
3.6 changed 2yrs ago
9.8 #379
1.2 #415
1.4 #414
1.9 tf
tf +89.5%
52  1.5 old red warrior's clothes Body
56  0.6 REEEEE Head
60  1.9 burning shurikens Accessory
70  0.6 japanese knuckle Weapon
82  0.6 background: madness Background
3.7 changed 2yrs ago
27.6 #304
20.2 #335
21.7 #329
0.6 tf
tf +516.7%
49  0.6 white master's hat Head
55  0.6 prosthetic crossbow Accessory
57  0.6 ninja clutist's clothes Body
59  0.6 steel claws Weapon
82  0.6 background: madness Background
3.9 changed 2yrs ago
76.0 #101
42.1 #243
41.4 #246
0.6 tf
tf +541.7%
46  0.6 young shinobi Head
54  0.6 pet snake Accessory
58  0.6 kusarigama Weapon
61  0.6 dark master's clothes Body
74  0.6 background: sewers Background
4 changed 1yr ago
65.2 #146
93.6 #27
91.9 #34
0.6 tf
tf +566.7%
47  0.6 injured warrior Body
49  0.6 one eyed death Head
52  0.6 gol shuriken Accessory
62  0.6 background: purge Background
62  0.6 cyber-katana Weapon
4 changed 1mo ago
38.1 #260
88.6 #48
85.5 #61
0.6 tf
tf +566.7%
49  0.6 katana Accessory
49  0.6 white master's hat Head
57  0.6 ninja clutist's clothes Body
58  0.6 kusarigama Weapon
62  0.6 background: purge Background
4 changed 1yr ago
88.6 #48
90.7 #39
90.5 #40
0.6 tf
tf +566.7%
46  0.6 grand leader's cloak Body
46  0.6 young shinobi Head
59  0.6 sai blade Weapon
61  0.6 drafon soul kunai Accessory
62  0.6 background: sorrow Background
5 changed 4mos ago
66.2 #142
81.2 #79
81.4 #78
1.9 tf
tf +162.6%
47  0.6 golden kunai Accessory
49  0.6 white master's hat Head
51  1.9 old blue warrior's clothes Body
65  0.6 curse ridden katana Weapon
67  1 background: revenge Background
5 changed 1w ago
69.0 #130
98.1 #8
97.9 #9
5 tf
tf +0%
47  5 master's katana Weapon
48  2 white master's clothes Body
49  0.6 one eyed death Head
55  0.6 prosthetic crossbow Accessory
62  0.6 background: sorrow Background
5 changed 1yr ago
11.7 #371
45.7 #228
38.1 #260
2 tf
tf +150%
52  2 cyber-mask Head
54  0.6 pet snake Accessory
58  0.6 kusarigama Weapon
61  0.6 dark master's clothes Body
67  1 background: revenge Background
5 changed 6mos ago
61.0 #164
88.6 #48
88.1 #50
5 tf
tf +0%
47  5 master's katana Weapon
50  2 dark master's hat Head
54  0.6 pet snake Accessory
57  0.6 ninja clutist's clothes Body
67  1 background: revenge Background
5.6 changed 2yrs ago
49.8 #211
41.2 #247
38.3 #259
1 tf
tf +455%
47  0.6 golden kunai Accessory
56  0.6 REEEEE Head
58  0.6 cyber-finisher suit Body
65  0.6 curse ridden katana Weapon
67  1 background: revenge Background
5.8 changed 1yr ago
55.5 #187
80.2 #83
75.0 #105
5 tf
tf +16%
47  5 master's katana Weapon
52  2 cyber-mask Head
58  0.6 cyber-finisher suit Body
61  0.6 drafon soul kunai Accessory
62  0.6 background: sorrow Background
6 changed 6mos ago
38.3 #259
90.7 #39
89.3 #45
1.5 tf
tf +300%
49  0.6 katana Accessory
49  0.6 one eyed death Head
52  1.5 old red warrior's clothes Body
62  0.6 background: sorrow Background
62  0.6 cyber-katana Weapon
6 changed 1yr ago
20.2 #335
45.7 #228
38.8 #257
2 tf
tf +200%
50  2 dark master's hat Head
54  0.6 pet snake Accessory
61  0.6 dark master's clothes Body
62  0.6 background: sorrow Background
65  0.6 curse ridden katana Weapon


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