
12 results  allactiveunlisted
325 changed 1yr ago
89.3 #107
91.6 #84
98.5 #15
95 tf
tf +242.1%
9  30 Not a Scam Meme
9  30 ICP IS NOT A SCAM Exterior_ornament
49  95 Steel Material
82  10 No Crypto
82  10 No Crypto_material
306  9.5 Italic Ornament Interior_ornament
Crypto Meme _type  670
Disc Shape  899
100 changed 1yr ago
81.3 #187
49.5 #505
52.3 #477
150 tf2
12  50 Grandpa Meme
83  ICP-BTC Crypto
258  OG MEDAL Exterior_ornament
305  Bronze Material
390  Clean Interior_ornament
Color Crypto_material  577
Crypto Meme _type  670
Disc Shape  899
375 changed 1yr ago
91.1 #89
97.6 #24
98.3 #17
123 tf
tf +204.9%
8  100 Royal Rune Exterior_ornament
15  123 Bronze-Steel Material
35  35 Laurel Interior_ornament
109  14 BTC Crypto
178  12 Silver Crypto_material
311  12 Crypto Coin _type
319  12 No Meme
Disc Shape  899
750 changed 1yr ago
99.8 #2
85.6 #144
99.6 #4
169 tf
Last of type!
1  750 Chad Meme
1  750 Ultra Rare ICPMaxi Exterior_ornament
19  169 Legendary _type
146  25 Crypto Color Crypto_material
179  12 Gold Material
306  9.5 Italic Ornament Interior_ornament
ICP Crypto  708
Disc Shape  899
17.9 #821
11.6 #884
13.2 #868
105 tf
tf 0%
26  105 Comfy Mumu ICP Meme
90  10 Rare Material
258  16 OG MEDAL Exterior_ornament
390  10 Clean Interior_ornament
Color Crypto_material  577
Crypto Meme _type  670
ICP Crypto  708
Disc Shape  899
100 changed 1yr ago
54.6 #454
31.0 #690
28.9 #711
27 tf
tf +270.4%
18  27 Internet Computer Meme
132  9.5 Rune Exterior_ornament
179  12 Gold Material
306  9.5 Italic Ornament Interior_ornament
Color Crypto_material  577
Crypto Meme _type  670
ICP Crypto  708
Disc Shape  899
95 changed 1yr ago
85.2 #148
16.7 #833
30.0 #700
294.24 tf2
11  199.24 Elegant Apu Meme
121  Clean Exterior_ornament
305  Bronze Material
306  Italic Ornament Interior_ornament
Color Crypto_material  577
Crypto Meme _type  670
ICP Crypto  708
Disc Shape  899
186 changed 1yr ago
28.7 #713
57.1 #429
55.4 #446
80 tf
tf +132.5%
22  80 Chad BTC ICP Meme
83  50 ICP-BTC Crypto
179  12 Gold Material
258  16 OG MEDAL Exterior_ornament
306  9.5 Italic Ornament Interior_ornament
Color Crypto_material  577
Crypto Meme _type  670
Disc Shape  899
235 changed 1yr ago
90.5 #95
66.0 #340
76.4 #236
100 tf
tf +135%
8  100 Royal Rune Exterior_ornament
31  13.9 Bronze-Gold Material
178  12 Silver Crypto_material
311  12 Crypto Coin _type
319  12 No Meme
390  10 Clean Interior_ornament
ICP Crypto  708
Disc Shape  899
185 changed 1yr ago
10.6 #894
63.6 #364
29.5 #705
25 tf
tf +640%
78  23 Infinity 1 Exterior_ornament
146  25 Crypto Color Crypto_material
179  12 Gold Material
241  13 Straight Ornament Interior_ornament
311  12 Crypto Coin _type
319  12 No Meme
ICP Crypto  708
Disc Shape  899
135 changed 1yr ago
5.1 #949
55.0 #450
11.7 #883
25 tf
tf +440%
90  12 Infinity 2 Exterior_ornament
146  25 Crypto Color Crypto_material
241  13 Straight Ornament Interior_ornament
305  16 Bronze Material
311  12 Crypto Coin _type
319  12 No Meme
ICP Crypto  708
Disc Shape  899
1500 changed 1yr ago
50.4 #496
83.3 #167
75.8 #242
169 tf
tf +787.6%
19  169 Legendary _type
83  50 ICP-BTC Crypto
146  25 Crypto Color Crypto_material
179  12 Gold Material
258  16 OG MEDAL Exterior_ornament
319  12 No Meme
390  10 Clean Interior_ornament
Disc Shape  899


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