26 accounts holding 50 NFTs

Floor price: 14.4

Market cap: 720 (at floor)

Last change ?

Account Count Percent Floor value
d102c6… 10 20% 144
eb4d91… 7 14% 100.8
3013ec… 4 8% 57.6
d64268… 3 6% 43.2
649267… 2 4% 28.8
60cd8e… 2 4% 28.8
70927a… 2 4% 28.8
be4010… 2 4% 28.8
98d400… 1 2% 14.4
9493ac… 1 2% 14.4
417539… 1 2% 14.4
eb6c3e… 1 2% 14.4
1f46af… 1 2% 14.4
09792f… 1 2% 14.4
22239b… 1 2% 14.4
62ae5f… 1 2% 14.4
f10ae2… 1 2% 14.4
7df831… 1 2% 14.4
4ae7f9… 1 2% 14.4
cddbf3… 1 2% 14.4
361995… 1 2% 14.4
cdf327… 1 2% 14.4
8cdaf8… 1 2% 14.4
382b1d… 1 2% 14.4
d73faf… 1 2% 14.4
3a4a7d… 1 2% 14.4


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