17 accounts holding 100 NFTs

Floor price: 41

Market cap: 4100 (at floor)

Last change ?

Account Count Percent Floor value
20e74d… 65 65% 2665
ba5e49… 8 8% 328
13ae72… 7 7% 287
8b27a9… 5 5% 205
8d6370… 2 2% 82
e93a71… 2 2% 82
03849f… 1 1% 41
4e29be… 1 1% 41
ac3af2… 1 1% 41
01ad0d… 1 1% 41
c68144… 1 1% 41
8f9dc4… 1 1% 41
858a76… 1 1% 41
0947cb… 1 1% 41
cc3e1d… 1 1% 41
d213b6… 1 1% 41
cf3d72… 1 1% 41


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