49 results 
10.1 changed 1w ago
15.1 #754
7.7 #820
7.7 #820
35 tf2
140  24.88 Dash Type
222  () 9.9 Base Texture
13.5 changed 20h ago
36.9 #560
39.9 #534
37.6 #554
15 tf2
110  1.5 Jump Type
180  1.5 Marble Texture
14 changed 1w ago
10.5 #795
34.7 #580
25.0 #666
20 tf2
150  6 Stomp Type
150  6 Platinum Texture
14.5 changed 2mos ago
49.4 #449
79.5 #182
76.9 #205
25 tf2
96  10.5 Silver Texture
110  () 5.5 Running man Type
15 changed 8mos ago
36.9 #560
39.9 #534
37.6 #554
13.5 tf
tf +11.1%
110  13.5 Jump Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
20 changed 3w ago
58.9 #365
49.3 #450
55.0 #400
23.6 tf2
90  3.6 Chill Type
180  Marble Texture
20 changed 3d ago
31.8 #606
14.3 #761
21.2 #700
14.5 tf
tf +37.9%
110  14.5 Running man Type
222  10.1 Base Texture
20 changed 6mos ago
10.5 #795
34.7 #580
25.0 #666
14 tf
tf +42.9%
150  14 Stomp Type
150  14 Platinum Texture
23.6 changed 1yr ago
58.9 #365
49.3 #450
55.0 #400
20 tf
tf +18%
90  20 Chill Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
25 changed 2mos ago
66.6 #297
86.5 #120
84.2 #140
45 tf2
90  20 Riverdance Type
96  Silver Texture
29 changed 1yr ago
36.9 #560
39.9 #534
37.6 #554
14.5 tf
tf +100%
110  14.5 Running man Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
30 changed 1yr ago
58.9 #365
49.3 #450
55.0 #400
20 tf
tf +50%
90  20 Chill Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
30 changed 2yrs ago
36.9 #560
39.9 #534
37.6 #554
13.5 tf
tf +122.2%
110  13.5 Jump Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
30 changed 2yrs ago
77.4 #201
71.2 #256
70.3 #264
33 tf2
79  3 Tread lightly Type
150  Platinum Texture
33 changed 1yr ago
99.1 #8
97.4 #23
98.5 #13
66.7 tf2
40  33.66 Cawabunga Type
96  Silver Texture
33 changed 2yrs ago
10.5 #795
34.7 #580
25.0 #666
14 tf
tf +135.7%
150  14 Stomp Type
150  14 Platinum Texture
33 changed 2yrs ago
71.4 #254
30.9 #614
44.7 #491
30 tf
tf +10%
79  30 Tread lightly Type
222  10.1 Base Texture
35 changed 2mos ago
87.7 #109
89.3 #95
86.3 #122
48 tf2
72  13 Gold Texture
110  Jump Type
35 changed 2yrs ago
20.9 #702
42.5 #511
27.6 #643
14 tf
tf +150%
140  10.1 Dash Type
150  14 Platinum Texture
35 changed 6mos ago
31.8 #606
14.3 #761
21.2 #700
13.5 tf
tf +159.3%
110  13.5 Jump Type
222  10.1 Base Texture
40 changed 1yr ago
20.9 #702
42.5 #511
27.6 #643
14 tf
tf +185.7%
140  10.1 Dash Type
150  14 Platinum Texture
40 changed 2yrs ago
36.9 #560
39.9 #534
37.6 #554
13.5 tf
tf +196.3%
110  13.5 Jump Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
45 changed 2yrs ago
58.9 #365
49.3 #450
55.0 #400
25 tf
tf +80%
90  25 Riverdance Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
48 changed 4mos ago
84.7 #136
72.9 #241
74.4 #227
35 tf
tf +37.1%
72  35 Gold Texture
150  14 Stomp Type
50 changed 1mo ago
64.4 #316
76.0 #213
72.7 #242
60 tf2
90  Chill Type
123  10 Copper Texture
50 changed 2yrs ago
58.9 #365
49.3 #450
55.0 #400
20 tf
tf +150%
90  20 Chill Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
60 changed 1yr ago
47.0 #471
64.9 #312
67.2 #291
14.5 tf
tf +313.8%
96  14.5 Silver Texture
140  10.1 Dash Type
60 changed 1mo ago
89.8 #91
94.4 #50
92.2 #69
35 tf
tf +71.4%
72  35 Gold Texture
90  25 Riverdance Type
60 changed 2yrs ago
31.8 #606
14.3 #761
21.2 #700
13.5 tf
tf +344.4%
110  13.5 Jump Type
222  10.1 Base Texture
60 changed 1yr ago
80.6 #172
82.8 #153
81.2 #167
50 tf
tf +20%
79  30 Tread lightly Type
123  50 Copper Texture
66.7 changed 1yr ago
97.6 #21
84.3 #139
93.7 #56
33 tf
tf +102%
40  33 Cawabunga Type
150  14 Platinum Texture
69 changed 7mos ago
40.7 #527
55.9 #392
50.3 #441
14 tf
tf +392.9%
110  13.5 Jump Type
150  14 Platinum Texture
70 changed 1yr ago
84.7 #136
72.9 #241
74.4 #227
35 tf
tf +100%
72  35 Gold Texture
150  14 Stomp Type
70 changed 6mos ago
54.3 #406
26.0 #657
32.4 #600
20 tf
tf +250%
90  20 Chill Type
222  10.1 Base Texture
77.8 changed 1yr ago
99.7 #3
99.7 #3
99.7 #3
35 tf
tf +122.2%
40  33 Cawabunga Type
72  35 Gold Texture
99 changed 2yrs ago
58.9 #365
49.3 #450
55.0 #400
25 tf
tf +296%
90  25 Riverdance Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
100 changed 1yr ago
94.8 #46
98.5 #13
97.7 #20
120 tf2
45  20 Green Texture
90  Riverdance Type
100 changed 2yrs ago
36.9 #560
39.9 #534
37.6 #554
14.5 tf
tf +589.7%
110  14.5 Running man Type
180  13.5 Marble Texture
100 changed 2yrs ago
23.2 #682
44.7 #491
39.9 #534
50 tf
tf +100%
123  50 Copper Texture
150  14 Stomp Type
120 changed 1yr ago
93.7 #56
95.8 #37
95.9 #36
100 tf
tf +20%
45  100 Green Texture
110  13.5 Jump Type
129 changed 1yr ago
85.7 #127
77.0 #204
77.9 #196
35 tf
tf +268.6%
72  35 Gold Texture
140  10.1 Dash Type
499 changed 1yr ago
15.1 #754
7.7 #820
7.7 #820
10.1 tf
tf +4830.8%
140  10.1 Dash Type
222  10.1 Base Texture
599 changed 2yrs ago
71.4 #254
30.9 #614
44.7 #491
30 tf
tf +1896.7%
79  30 Tread lightly Type
222  10.1 Base Texture
888 changed 2yrs ago
99.9 #1
99.9 #1
99.9 #1
100 tf
tf +788%
40  33 Cawabunga Type
45  100 Green Texture
1K changed 2yrs ago
87.7 #109
89.3 #95
86.3 #122
35 tf
tf +2757.1%
72  35 Gold Texture
110  13.5 Jump Type
1.1K changed 1yr ago
80.6 #172
82.8 #153
81.2 #167
50 tf
tf +2122%
79  30 Tread lightly Type
123  50 Copper Texture
2K changed 2yrs ago
31.8 #606
14.3 #761
21.2 #700
13.5 tf
tf +14714.8%
110  13.5 Jump Type
222  10.1 Base Texture
10K changed 1yr ago
85.7 #127
77.0 #204
77.9 #196
35 tf
tf +28471.4%
72  35 Gold Texture
140  10.1 Dash Type


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