41 accounts holding 87 NFTs

Floor price: 20

Market cap: 1740 (at floor)

Last change ?

Account Count Percent Floor value
4e84d8… 13 14.94% 260
b209c7… 9 10.34% 180
2c902d… 7 8.05% 140
4ffe01… 4 4.6% 80
66df06… 3 3.45% 60
e75001… 3 3.45% 60
ff0219… 3 3.45% 60
e378e7… 3 3.45% 60
261bd1… 2 2.3% 40
5b8fc1… 2 2.3% 40
a16e61… 2 2.3% 40
3385dd… 2 2.3% 40
6ae5ee… 2 2.3% 40
2df570… 2 2.3% 40
64d9e4… 2 2.3% 40
069a84… 2 2.3% 40
22239b… 2 2.3% 40
72bb2c… 1 1.15% 20
9493ac… 1 1.15% 20
9d281b… 1 1.15% 20
bd6971… 1 1.15% 20
5c00c0… 1 1.15% 20
85d95e… 1 1.15% 20
146227… 1 1.15% 20
a73a2e… 1 1.15% 20
81b699… 1 1.15% 20
941771… 1 1.15% 20
cea5d5… 1 1.15% 20
50945d… 1 1.15% 20
92764d… 1 1.15% 20
401661… 1 1.15% 20
cb5b76… 1 1.15% 20
417539… 1 1.15% 20
5d7cda… 1 1.15% 20
b6e25f… 1 1.15% 20
8b5965… 1 1.15% 20
2ceda0… 1 1.15% 20
e93d80… 1 1.15% 20
9805ed… 1 1.15% 20
4ff05c… 1 1.15% 20
fb5ee1… 1 1.15% 20


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